Thursday, 5 April 2007


During my recovery, about 4 Years ago. I was in the city of Sunderland. I was out with my brother and some of his friends at a night club. It was a really strange experience, as the music being played was not chart music or any recognizable band music. It was unique music that I hadn't heard before and I haven't heard since. The lyrics were out of this world and applied to me and my condition as though they were made specially for me. I know what you must be thinking here "Yeah sure, Crazy person" but NO you're wrong, let me finish my story. The music WAS meant for me, and I knew it. I was smiling, feeling really cool. It made me feel special. However, when leaving the night club and Sunderland, I felt concerned that if it was the Devil (Who according to the Jehova Witnesses, Controls the music and media) and he was trying to be my friend. Then I must be doing something wrong. On the train out of sunderland I looked out of the window and saw a big banner on the back of a farm shed. It read "HAVE FAITH IN GOD". Anyway I got back home and went straight to my usual ways HATING what I believed to be SATAN AND HIS PEOPLE. I had the radio on and began ranting and raving with my usual complaints, when the radio DJ said 'totally out of context' "We've been getting along recently, SO DON'T START". That was a scary experience. It says in the Apocalypse, that satan SEDUCES the whole world. Well i'll tell you now, if I hadn't seen that 'Have faith in God' Banner at the time I did, I could have crossed over to the enemy, and I'm not kidding. Those were difficult times but I survived to tell the TRUTH about these events.

I have added some text to the very bottom of this blog, including some interesting facts about Doctor David Kelly. The signs showed that he had a brief encounter with the enemy, but sadly took his own life...... Or did he? Very sad loss either way, for a man who was just preaching the truth about how our government LIED about the Iraq weapons of mass destruction.

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